Keto Eating: the home of low-carb food

The keto diet, famous for emphasizing high-fat, low-carb intake, has become popular for its weight loss benefits and potential health improvements. If you’re interested in keto but seeking alternatives tailored to your lifestyle or dietary requirements, there are numerous similar diets worth exploring.

Keto Muesli with Nuts

The Keto Diet

The Ketogenic Diet, or Keto for short, aims to force your body into using a different type of fuel, instead of relying on sugar (glucose) that comes from carbohydrates (such as grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits), the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies.

Paleo Diet

Focusing on whole foods that would have been available to our Paleolithic ancestors, this diet includes meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It eliminates grains, legumes, and processed foods, similar to keto’s restriction of high-carb foods.

An inspiring scene of a healthy outdoor summer dining setup, featuring grilled salmon with avocados alsa on a table surrounded by lush greenery and sunlight filtering through
image of meat on a table illustrating the carnivore diet

Carnivore Diet

An extreme version of low-carb diets, the carnivore diet includes only animal products—meat, fish, eggs, and sometimes dairy. It excludes all plant-based foods, aiming for zero carbs.

South Beach Diet

This diet starts with a low-carb phase similar to keto but later incorporates high-fiber carbohydrates. It’s designed to be less restrictive over time, focusing on lean protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

An inspiring scene of a healthy outdoor summer dining setup, featuring grilled salmon with avocados alsa on a table surrounded by lush greenery and sunlight filtering through

Low-carb recipes


Some Frequently Asked Questions